Tell us about yourself.

Personal details

Enter a first name.

Enter a last name.

Enter a valid birthday.

Enter a valid email address.

Enter a valid phone number.


Enter a valid street address.

Enter a valid city.

Select a province.

Enter a valid postcode.


Tell us about your home.

Home details

Select a style of home.

Enter your home's square footage.

Enter your yard's approximate size.

Select a province.

Is your yard fully fenced and secure enough to contain any dog?

Select an answer.

Dog-specific details

Enter an answer.

Enter an answer.

Tell us about your pets.

Have you owned a dog before?

Select an answer.

Do currently own any pets?

Select an answer.

Pet Information

Enter a valid answer.

Enter a valid answer.

Select an answer.

Select an answer.

Select an answer.

Pet Information

Enter a valid answer.

Enter a valid answer.

Enter a valid answer.

You're all done!

Terms and Conditions

I understand that this application form is not a guarantee that the dog I have applied for will still be available if my application to adopt a dog is approved, as there could be several applications for this dog already in progress or the dog may have a requirement that my home does not provide.

I understand that Loyal Rescue Inc. does not approve their dogs to applicants on a "first come first serve" basis, it is the best interest of the dog that is considered in the event of multiple applications for the same dog and the home best suited to the specific needs of the dog will be selected.

In the event that the dog I have applied for is approved to another adopter before my application is processed I will select another dog from the Loyal Rescue Inc. website and continue with my application screening.

I understand and accept that virtually all "rescued" dogs will have behavioral issues of varying degrees. Many of these dogs have been abused or neglected and have a tendency to be more timid and/or defensive than a dog raised from birth by a knowledgeable and responsible dog owner. I understand and accept that while all known behavioral issues will be disclosed prior to the adoption being completed, it is entirely possible that minor or major behavioral issues may arise after the adoption has occurred and the dog is in my home. I am not expecting a pre-trained dog and am willing to work with this dog to help it overcome any issues it may have, or develops while under my care.

I understand and accept that although all Loyal Rescue Inc. dogs have been evaluated by a veterinarian, and that a copy of the veterinarian's report(s) will be provided at the time of adoption, it is possible that the dog may have minor or major medical issues that are undiagnosed. I understand and accept that the approximate age of the dog is estimated by a veterinarian and may be slightly or significantly inaccurate.

I have verfied that this dog is being fostered in a location close enough for me to personally travel to, in order to adopt this dog, should I be the approved adopter.

I have thoroughly read and understand the information in the FAQ section of the Loyal Rescue Inc. website.

Agree to the terms and conditions.